Hello! Guys! I am James Bai, welcome to my personal blog! Today is August 27, 2024, and today I will announce my novel writing plan. If you enjoy reading novels, then in the coming years, you will be able to continuously read many novels written by me. I hope my novels can bring high value and sustained good fortune to every reader.
This is my first announcement of my novel writing plan. I will mainly announce the writing plans for five novels: 'Humanity & the Next 5000 Years', 'Prophet & AI Evolution', 'Million Miles & Meeting You', Ringstar Empire Digital Prison', and 'Deliveryman—Ant Q'. This is because I had already completed the preparatory work for these writing plans before August 2024, and had initiated the writing plans for these five novels.
The novel writing plan I am announcing this time includes five novels, and I can only work on one or two novels at the same time; therefore, I will continue to complete this writing plan over the next few years. Additionally, there is a possibility that the titles of each novel may change; if this happens, I will announce and explain in subsequent posts.
As an author, I believe I can definitely create novels of high value that readers will enjoy, as this will be a reflection of the value of my work. It is well-known that all high-value novels in the world play an active role in promoting the development of human civilization and the advancement of science and technology. Therefore, the novels I write will also positively influence or guide various fields such as the study of new scientific theories and technological inventions, the construction of new social management models, the shaping of universal values, future personal career planning, the development of future education systems, cultural exchanges around the world, and the exploration of outer space research.
August 24, 2024 James Bai